Esperanto @ UIUC

Learn a new language in just a few months.

What is Esperanto?

Esperanto is a constructed language with a simple but flexible grammar, making it very easy to learn. Once you learn, you can engage in a vibrant international community of Esperantists.

In our club, we will teach you Esperanto, practice speaking to each other, and enjoy Esperanto literary/cultural works (e.g., films, games, music, poetry, literature).

What can I do with Esperanto?

  1. Meet people from other countries on the Pasporta Servo or Eventa Servo.
  2. Talk to people from other countries online on Telegramo.
  3. Read news from other countries in Monato (originally in Esperanto) or Le Monde Diplomatique.
  4. Listen to music (indie, rock, lots more).
  5. Read to Nobel-prize nominated literature.

What does Esperanto sound like?

Romance-language vocabulary with Slavic-language phonology. If you know a romance language (Latin, French, Spanish, etc.), you should be able to guess many of the words.

What does Esperanto look like?

Try to only look at the Esperanto column and guess the meaning.

Patro nia en ĉielo, Sankta estu Via nomo, Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name,
Via regno venu, Via volo estu, sur tero kiel en ĉielo Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven
Donu al ni hodiaŭ nian ĉiutagan panon. Give us today our daily bread.
Kaj pardonu al ni nian ŝuldojn kiel ni ankaŭ pardonis al niaj ŝuldantoj. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
Kaj ne konduku nin en tenton, sed savu nin de la pekulo. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Esperanto English (Matthew 6:9 -- 13 NIV)

How to learn Esperanto?

  1. Esperanto in 12 lessons,, or Duolingo.
  2. Come to our club meetings to learn and practice.
  3. Practice in online discussions.
  4. More resources can be found on the Esperanto Resources Wiki.

When are meetings?

Mondays 4:30 ­­– 5:30pm in the Main Library Rm. 309, (located in Rm. 321).

Sign up for the email list, Discord, or Matrix.

The Flag of Esperanto is a public domain work.

UK 2008 Libroservo was captured by Ziko CC-BY-SA.

Portreto de Zamenhof is a public domain work.