Blue Student Organization - Health & Wellness
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Lisa Patel
Mission Illini Sheltering Hands Society (ISHS) stands as a cornerstone in cultivating avibrant and inclusive community at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Ourcore objective is to empower students with essential life-saving skills and engage them ininitiatives aimed at supporting homeless communities both on campus and in the surroundingarea. Through a comprehensive range of events, workshops, and volunteering initiatives, ISHSequips students with the knowledge and tools to actively participate in service, leadership, andskill-building endeavors, thereby enriching campus life and promoting social responsibility. Weare committed to fostering a culture of collaboration, empathy, and individual growth among ourmembers as we work towards creating a community where fairness, equality, and mutual supportthrive, ensuring a profound sense of belonging and unity within the university and beyond.
Membership BenefitsActive Membership Benefits - Active Members of ISHS will have the following benefitswithin the organization:1. Voting Rights for Event2. Ability to travel with RSO3. Free admission to RSO events
Lifetime membership